My apologies to anyone with an unexpanded Amiga as I don't think you'll be able to render the animation file enclosed in this archive. With my set up degraded to standard spec I could load it in but I kept getting out of memory messages when I tried rendering.
The 8 colour hi res IFF is a picture of what you get when you DO render it.
This picture used to be 640x512x16 colours but I reduced it with Art Dpt so as to keep our phone bills to a minimum
The scene is taken from M.C.Eschers "Three intersecting planes" which is a personal favorite of mine. Its one of those ones where it isn't immediately obvious what's going on and where, even when you do click, you have to continually re-assess your perception.
Alternatively you can reset the screen and distance sliders to a more midrange value and all should become clear.
Pretty much the same picture can be achieved by intersecting just three clipmapped rectangles instead of 159 cubes but I felt it was important that the planes have a thickness. This thickness results in the strange little connections between cubes where the corners all interfere. What I find amazing is that Escher faithfully reproduced this effect without the help of a computer.
Initially I tried colour mapping the cubes with black and white stripes as in the original and was introduced to the shortcomings of Amiga screen modes.(ie. severe moire patterns and a wickedly jumping display).